Hi, I’m Bob.
I make great iOS apps, websites, and voice interfaces in San Francisco, California.
Hire me for your next project.
I help folks turn their ideas into successful apps by combining data, user research, and intuitive design.
I create clear roadmaps for stakeholders and collaborate with designers and engineers to iterate quickly toward market fit.
I sweat the details, using the latest technologies and frameworks to create great experiences for users.
- Five years experience as product owner and product manager
- Co-founder of Nice Mohawk Limited, iOS development shop
- Product ideation and design for mobile, web, and voice apps that have reached millions of users
- Experience leading local and remote teams as engineering lead and product manager
- Six years mobile development experience in Swift and Objective-C
- Shipped multiple apps featured by the iOS App Store
- Shipped Jelly Voice on Amazon Alexa and, as a launch day partner, on the Google Home
- Data-guided product management, using KPI and leading indicators to understand and shape user behavior

Get answers from real people, fast. Through Jelly, hundreds of thousands of people got answers to their pressing questions on iOS and web, and thousands more answered questions to power our knowledge engine. I was Product Manager at Jelly until our acquisition by Pinterest in 2017.
Jelly Voice
As product manager and lead engineer, I helped expand Jelly's reach so our users could effortlessly get answers over voice interfaces. We launched on the Google Home, then expanded to Amazon Alexa. Watch the video to get a sense of how Jelly worked.
At Nice Mohawk, we built Ita, a list-making app for iPhone and iPad. We loved our list-making app, and shipped two major versions (and dozens of updates) before discontinuing support in 2016.